Redwall Blog

Mattis Mandate Seeking to Ban Mobile from the Pentagon Means We Still have a Ways to Go with Mobile Device Security

A recent CNN article titled “Exclusive: Mattis seeking to ban cell phones from Pentagon” cites U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis as “actively considering banning US military civilian personnel from bringing their personal cell phones into the Pentagon.” Read More…

How to Respond to the Hacking of John Kelly’s Phone

According to Politico, the White House believes White House Chief of Staff John Kelly’s personal phone fell victim to cyber attackers. It is unclear or unreleased at the time of this writing the extent of the breach, but InfoSec specialists have been spiraling down every possible worst-case scenario for their own data since. Until definitive answers are proffered, we must operate with the understanding that any number of vulnerabilities may have led to the hack. U.S. National Security is on the line, and many questions have to be raised as to why a personal phone would be used in the first place by a person in possession of highly-classified government secrets. Read More…